My First Entry


This is my first journal entry for this website. Thank you once again for coming here again, and reading this.

With the exception of a few other life pitfalls 2020 has definitely been the most challenging year in my living memory, and I'm sure you probably feel the same. I've dealt with so many emotional challenges this year. I've had to fight my tendency of withdrawl and an era defined by high anxiety and isolation. I've had to deal with anger issues, punching holes, hurting myself unnecessarily, and fixing everything. I've cried randomly several times this year, completely by my own surprise, most recently just yesterday, thinking about how much I missed everyone, and one of which was right after destroying something and asking myself, "Why am I so angry?"

This site and this post is a re-commitment to myself. The most important relationship we all have is with ourselves, and I think I lost track of that, and myself. I took too long to make this site, and if I didn't do it now in the year of quarantine, when would I ever?

This is to my inner child, who was so passionate about writing things and sharing them he couldn't care less how sloppy/rudimentary that.