Pizza and Perspective

2/21/21 7:13PM

There is a brick-oven pizza spot that is about a ten-minute walk from my house. I had built up an appetite after an afternoon of coding, so I decided to pre-order on the phone from them. Especially now in the era of COVID, if I can pre-order food to minimize my time inside, then I'll happily do so, and I'm a regular there who always orders the same thing.

So I was quite surprised and irritated when I gave my order but was told rather curtly and rudely to "just order when you come", because my order was insufficient, and they ended the call quickly.

I decided to go there anyway, but my mood was a bit soured. Once I got there, I discovered that they were backed up with about an hour's worth of uncollected pickup orders, and were still taking more. My order was thankfully among them, so I didn't have to order and wait, but I finally understood why they were so rude and snippy earlier.

I felt better about people for awhile, until I passed by a person idling in their car who locked their doors as I walked by.

Yeah, gun, mask, and pizza, all the essentials to commit grand theft auto. That is some purse-clutching wuss behavior right there.