Seandre 2.0

8/8/21 7:49PM

Hey you. It's been almost six months since we've last spoken. No, I didn't die. An old version of me did, though. So if you're still here after all this time, or here for the first time: thank you.

I had to rebuild a lot of this website before I could continue with updates. During the process, I also had to rebuild a lot of myself, too. I've been through a lot in the past half year, some of which I might decide to write about later.

The things I've been through have thrown me off of my focus a lot, taking time away from my personal projects, and then, when I had the time, leaving me with little to no energy left.

Nonetheless, starting in June, I pushed through with rebuilding this website, much like I push through work. The rebuilding required much research and trial and error, and I felt old insecurities and frustration mounting, wondering what am I really doing. But I remembered that I had already proven myself by launching the site in the first place, so I can do it again now. And eventually I did.

But then I felt the biggest fear of all, much more than coding: writing.

How could I have coded so much, have rebuilt so much, but then, at the end, be afraid to write anything?

Because coding is just coding, but writing is me.

Life itself is a never-ending project of self-discovery and improvement, and so is just about anything else in it (relationships, work projects, or random personal websites). The key isn't to be perfect, because nothing is or ever will be. The key is to just do it, and try to be better today than you were the day before. Just like me and this post.